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January 25, 2019

3 Success Secrets for Freelance Translators

Whether you are just entering the workforce as a freelance translator or have been in the industry for awhile, there are a few secrets that can help you stand out as a freelancer. While these tips are focused on freelance translators, all of these tips will help any business thrive. Here are three tips that can help you succeed in whatever industry you are in:

Increase Marketing Efforts

Even if you are the best in your field, if people haven’t heard of you- you won’t be hired. Marketing is critical for success, however, many freelance translators do not take the time to focus on this aspect. Marketing through social media platforms, forums, articles and blogs can help advertise to your future clients about the services you provide and your expertise. Be consistent with posting and stay in contact with your followers. Ask your clients for reviews and referrals to boost your credibility and experience to new clients.


Many people view networking as talking to random people in the room a exchanging business cards. While this method of networking can work, it typically doesn’t yield a lot clients. Networking is building relationships with others such as fellow translators, current clients and future clients.

Know your worth

Starting out as a new translator, you need to recognize your worth. Research and decide how much you need to charge for your time and expertise. Calling other translation agencies may be a helpful way to figure out an average of how much other industry experts are charging. Clients have no idea how much a project is worth because they don’t know how much work goes into translation. Be fair to yourself and clients and charge a reasonable amount.

Do you have any tips to success as a freelance translator? Comment below and share with us.

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